Ticket is valid as per selected timeslot.
Different timeslots available (choose while booking)
Timings are subject to change. Please refer official attraction website for exact opening hours.
Exactly 23,578 gemstones make up the Crown Jewels, the very symbols of Royal Authority! And, when they aren’t being worn by the current Queen, you can see them at the Tower of London. Under lock and key at the Jewel House, these diamonds, emeralds, and rubies have a major religious, cultural, and political significance in the history of England and beyond. Don’t gaze at King Edward’s crown for too long or you might attract the attention of the armed guards!
Over 133 confirmed executions have occurred at the Tower of London over the centuries. Most famously, Anne Boleyn and St. Thomas More were beheaded here. William Wallace and the future Queen Elizabeth I both served time at the Tower of London, too. And, while visiting, you can see the implements of torture and execution used at the time, such as the executioner’s block, his axe, and the rack. You’ll leave the Tower of London happy that you live in modern times!
Voucher information: You can show your voucher on your smartphone (But if you’d rather print a copy – that’s fine too!)
During the summer months, you might find long waiting times to enter the Tower of London. Try visiting early in the morning when it is usually less busy.
The use of photographic and recording equipment or mobile phones is prohibited within all buildings (unless otherwise advertised)
Smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited inside the Tower of London.
If you are traveling in a group of more than 6 people, please print your ticket prior to arrival and present it at the main entrance for scanning.
Outstanding attraction to visit. Spent all day there and still could have spent more time. Cafeteria was delicious!
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